In this day and age of marketing, it seems that every product out there can claim just about anything. Between product advertising and packaging, consumers are left with arbitrarily guessing what is best for them.
Why trust the DPL Labs® Certification Label?
- DPL Labs® is a completely independent testing agency.
- Brands participating in the program pay a testing fee and have no assurance of a given result. The manufacturer finds out their result when they receive their engineering report after the testing is complete.
All testing is done at DPL Labs® Head Quarters located in Florida, USA only by DPL employees.
Companies may not have their engineers or other representatives present or involved in the testing at any time, or in any manner.
Totally automated, DPL Labs® customized Frequency and Time Domain instrumentation can examine and report all functions at the same time reducing time and costs. These reports itemize each test function providing a pathological study for each cable tested. From tests that are seldom seen such as “Cross Over Symmetry” to the limited but meaningful S Parameters Insertion Loss measurement’s DPL Labs® 48G Reference Standard yet again breaks through all expected barriers in conformity earning its World Class Status.
Companies supplying products to DPL Labs® for testing have no inkling of their product’s results until after the actual testing has been completed, results have been tabulated, and an engineering report has been generated. Lab test results and product approval status are non-negotiable.
DPL Labs® purchases previously approved certified products and test them assuring that the products still meet DPL Labs® tough standards. If results vary dramatically from samples previously provided, the brand may lose its certified Approved status.
DPL Labs® openly and publicly publishes a list of certified products that pass-through DPL Labs®. They are posted on our DPL Labs® website simply and comprehensively detailing each cable’s capabilities. Only products listed on the DPL Labs® website have been tested and approved.
Look for the DPL Labs® Certified Label on the product’s packaging as your assurance of a better performing, more reliable Digital Video product.